
Showing posts from June, 2024

11 Ways to Be a Kick-Ass Preceptor to a New Grad Nurse

  Being a preceptor to a new grad nurse is a rewarding yet challenging role. The transition from nursing school to clinical practice can be overwhelming for new graduates. As a preceptor, you have the power to shape their experiences, build their confidence, and set them up for success in their nursing careers. Let's dive into 11 ways you can be a kick-ass preceptor and make a lasting impact. Understanding Your Role The Preceptor's Role A preceptor is more than just a teacher; they are a guide, a mentor, and a role model. Your primary responsibility is to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and practical application in a real-world setting. Mentor vs. Preceptor: What's the Difference? While both roles involve guidance and support, a preceptor has a more structured and time-bound responsibility to ensure the new grad nurse gains specific competencies. A mentor, on the other hand, offers ongoing support and career advice beyond the initial training period. Responsibilit